House Of Prayer For All Nations
Edenvale "where the Words of God comes alive"

House Of Prayer For All Nations
Edenvale "where the Words of God comes alive"


About House of Prayer

The House of Prayer for All Nations is about spreading the good news of Jesus Christ through all Nations 

John 10:27: "My sheep here my voice, I know them and they follow me".


Our mission is to be a declaration and demonstration of the Kingdom of God through friendship and strategic partnerships. We are committed to developing and pursuing Biblical Kingdom values. Our core values identify what we are committed to. Jesus Christ is central to all we do. Through him we have a relationship with God the Father and the Holy Spirit.

The Bible – we are committed to the Bible as the Word of God and our final authority for rule and practice.

The Holy Spirit – we believe that each Christian should develop the fruits of the Spirit and seek to use the gifts of the Spirit for the benefit of others.

Worship – we desire to express our devotion to God the Father through personal, and corporate, praise and worship.

Prayer – every Christian should develop their relationship with God through time spent talking with, and listening, to Him.

Excellence – we pursue excellence in all we do in order to bring glory to God.

Loving and caring relationships – we desire every person to know they are loved and cared for so they feel accepted and valued.

Team work – we desire to be servant hearted people, submitted to the authority and genuinely accountable, living with integrity and honesty, encouraging every person to develop their God given abilities.

Unity with diversity – we desire to build all racial, cultural, gender and generational gaps.

Outreach – we want to impact people with the gospel of Jesus Christ, influencing our communities for the righteousness through evangelism, church planting, community outreach and mission activities.

We Believe that God Saves

We believe that the bible is God’s unique revelation, supernaturally inspired by the Holy Spirit, and is the final authority on Christian faith and practice. We believe that there is only one God, who exists eternally as three distinguished persons – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, each fully God yet personally distinct from the other. We believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God and the Saviour of the world. We believe that salvation is a gift of God received through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. We believe that neither ritual nor tradition can replace a personal relationship with God and that the Lordship of Jesus Christ is the true mark of a Christian. We believe in the necessity of water baptism by immersion in order to fulfil the command of the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit as an experience available to every believer. We believe in the Lord’s Table; commonly called “communion” or “the Lord's Supper”, for believers. We believe that Jesus Christ has equipped the church with apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to help train and equip believers to do the work of the ministry. We believe that there is one true universal church made up of genuine believers and comprising many churches in various localities. We believe in the reality and personality of the Devil and eternal judgement in the lake of fire for the Devil and his angels. There will be a final judgement where all man will give an account for how they have lived.

Photo by
I.T.Buddies (Pty) Ltd (Natrix777)
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